Sourcemod l4d2 maplist
Sourcemod l4d2 maplist

If you want to mass-promote content like Wallpapers or screenshots it is suggested to make a single submission instead of many separate ones. However, filling up the front page is not. Promoting a mod, an awesome screenshot or highlight every now and then is fine. Users are encouraged to use reasonable discretion in how fast content is promoted. Participating players may reasonably promote themselves for their upcoming matches. “LIVE” posts may be used for important matches. You may also not “drop and run” meaning you post and contribute nothing to the thread / community.ĮXCEPTIONS: Community recognized tournaments and recognized competitive activities. Promoting a community, TwitchTV, or YouTube with just a few lines or “WE ARE/WILL BE LIVE!” posts are not allowed. An example of a quality introduction where genuine effort was made. You are allowed to post a quality introduction with genuine effort. Moments of you simply horsing around with friends, playing through a whole campaign/chapter (with bots), walking around oblivious and WOWING at that coke bottle are categorized as “Let’s Plays” and are examples of what’s not allowed. Unique being but not limited to: genuine speedrunning & survival runs, executing skill-based actions, or moments where things go horribly wrong (or right). RegConsoleCmd( "sm_mapinfo", Cmd_ShowInfo, "Show map info") ĬreateConVar( "sm_perm_ratio", "0.8", "Permanent health to temporary health ratio",ĬreateConVar( "sm_health_bonus_divisor", "200.Highlights or videos of unique L4D gameplay are allowed. RegConsoleCmd( "sm_health", Cmd_ShowBonus, "Show current bonus") Name = "L4D2 Competitive Health Bonus System",ĭescription = "Scoring system for l4d2 competitive", #define HEALTH_DIVISOR GetConVarInt(cvarHealthBonusDivisor) * Health divisor to keep bonus at reasonable numbers */ #define PAIN_PILLS_HEALTH GetConVarInt(cvarPainPillsAddPool)

sourcemod l4d2 maplist


sourcemod l4d2 maplist

* Testers and feedback: Adam, Hib, Sir, Dusty * Survivor deaths have the same kind of penalty on the bonus as incaps. * - Number of times the survivors have been incapacitated / killed. * - Health divisor (defined by the cvar sm_health_bonus_divisor) * - Permanent health ratio (defined by the cvar sm_perm_ratio) * Both pools are subjected to these factors: * that survivors have + pain pills health + temporary health that survivors * The temporary health pool represents the total amount of temporary health

sourcemod l4d2 maplist

* The permanent health pool represents the total amount of permanent health * There's a permanent health pool and a temporary health pool. * Defines how much temporary health each set of pain pills add to the * the bonus worth more (or less) compared to map distance. * Defines how much permanent health should be worth * L4D2 Competitive Health Bonus Scoring System.

Sourcemod l4d2 maplist